2021 Draft CDBG Annual Action Plan

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A contractor replaces a water heater as part of the City's Emergency Home Repair Program set to be offered again under the current draft CDBG Annual Action Plan.

The City of Sierra Vista's Draft 2021 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan is now open for a 30-day public comment period after being presented to the City Council at a public hearing on April 22. Review the full draft, read the following highlights, and offer input using the "Public Comment" field below.

The plan was revised based on the guidance provided by the City Council at a public hearing in March when City staff and three nonprofit organizations presented proposals for how to use the City’s anticipated allocation of $254,678 for the plan year starting July 1, 2021. The City receives CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development each year. CDBG funds must benefit low to moderate income persons, aid in the prevention of slums and blight, or meet another urgent community need.

The projects recommended for inclusion in the 2021 Annual Action Plan are:

  • Improvements at Cyr Center Park ($170,733) — The proposed funding will be combined with last year’s CDBG allocation to complete a proposed 113-space parking lot in a single construction phase, which will reduce development costs. This proposal builds upon previous improvements to the soccer fields and surrounding area, including demolition of the old public works yard.
  • Emergency Home Repair and Disabilities Modification Program ($50,000) — This program offers funding assistance to Sierra Vista homeowners for emergency repairs to correct substandard housing conditions. Accessibility modifications needed for people who are elderly or disabled are also eligible for support under the program.
  • Good Neighbor Alliance Kitchen Remodel ($18,945) — The local emergency shelter’s kitchen has not been remodeled since 2005 and needs new countertops, cabinets, drawers, a pantry, and a dishwasher. Good Neighbor Alliance currently prepares about 750 meals each year for the clients they serve.
  • Society of St. Vincent De Paul, St. Andrew Conference Paved Parking for Barrier-Free Access and Client Safety ($15,000) This project entails grading and paving seven additional parking spaces and a drive aisle to provide barrier free access to the food bank and conference offices where clients meet with case workers.

The City of Sierra Vista's Draft 2021 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan is now open for a 30-day public comment period after being presented to the City Council at a public hearing on April 22. Review the full draft, read the following highlights, and offer input using the "Public Comment" field below.

The plan was revised based on the guidance provided by the City Council at a public hearing in March when City staff and three nonprofit organizations presented proposals for how to use the City’s anticipated allocation of $254,678 for the plan year starting July 1, 2021. The City receives CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development each year. CDBG funds must benefit low to moderate income persons, aid in the prevention of slums and blight, or meet another urgent community need.

The projects recommended for inclusion in the 2021 Annual Action Plan are:

  • Improvements at Cyr Center Park ($170,733) — The proposed funding will be combined with last year’s CDBG allocation to complete a proposed 113-space parking lot in a single construction phase, which will reduce development costs. This proposal builds upon previous improvements to the soccer fields and surrounding area, including demolition of the old public works yard.
  • Emergency Home Repair and Disabilities Modification Program ($50,000) — This program offers funding assistance to Sierra Vista homeowners for emergency repairs to correct substandard housing conditions. Accessibility modifications needed for people who are elderly or disabled are also eligible for support under the program.
  • Good Neighbor Alliance Kitchen Remodel ($18,945) — The local emergency shelter’s kitchen has not been remodeled since 2005 and needs new countertops, cabinets, drawers, a pantry, and a dishwasher. Good Neighbor Alliance currently prepares about 750 meals each year for the clients they serve.
  • Society of St. Vincent De Paul, St. Andrew Conference Paved Parking for Barrier-Free Access and Client Safety ($15,000) This project entails grading and paving seven additional parking spaces and a drive aisle to provide barrier free access to the food bank and conference offices where clients meet with case workers.

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Please consider more nature play parks and development. Climbing rocks, play streams, dirt and grass mounds with tunnels and slides. Walking paths in rock. Even a bmx dirt trail looping the outside of park. Old dead sanded trees for climbing, rope webs to climb. Less concrete and metal. More interaction and movement. Chess outdoor tables, outdoor dance floor and lighting.
Thank you,
Christina Muller

Cmuller almost 4 years ago