Code Amendment on Rights-of-Way

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Consultation has concluded.

This proposed amendment to the City’s Development Code enables residential property owners to request administrative modifications to dimensional standards. This means a property owner could receive credit for the portion of a right-of-way between the outside edge of an adjoining sidewalk and the property line that serves as de facto yard space. Read the full proposal and offer your input below.

This proposed amendment to the City’s Development Code enables residential property owners to request administrative modifications to dimensional standards. This means a property owner could receive credit for the portion of a right-of-way between the outside edge of an adjoining sidewalk and the property line that serves as de facto yard space. Read the full proposal and offer your input below.

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Consultation has concluded.

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Infill properties need to be built up to create new spaces for residences and commercial ventures. Our city will be more enjoyable to live in, and more economically sustainable, when we build at a human scale.
Sierra Vista does not need to expand beyond the current limits. The beautiful landscape around us is our responsibility to steward and leave alone. We do not need low density sprawl like so many other communities in Arizona.

William 12 months ago

Sierra Vista needs things to do and to build communities.

Build more.

These "habitats" are unfit for wildlife already, which is why you don't see any!

Build something worth using.

Turn and look in any direction near a city limit and you will find a desert! A full desert for wild life! Hundreds and hundreds of miles of federally protected land! Use the tiny pieces we have to better the city!

Fredrickbob6 12 months ago

Sierra Vista has enough parks and does not to destroy more habitat. It's a waste of taxpayer dollars.

Let's leave some habitat for the wild creatures.

Apgar 12 months ago