June 23 Council Meeting
The Sierra Vista City Council approved 10 pre-annexation agreements at its regular meeting on Thursday, paving the way for staff to move forward with annexing several commercial properties along State Route 92.
Staff contacted property owners south of Golden Acres Drive and east of State Route 92 to measure and assess interest in annexation. Through these contacts, staff secured 10 signed pre-annexation and development agreements covering 12 tax parcels. Property owners pursing annexation cited property tax savings and the ability to connect to sewer as key factors for signing the agreements.
With Council’s unanimous vote approving the pre-annexation agreements, staff will proceed with filing petitions with the Cochise County Recorder’s Office and holding public hearings. Notices will be posted on the City’s website and in the Sierra Vista Herald.
In other business, Council held public hearings on amendments to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Five-Year Consolidated Plan, the PY 2019 Annual Action Plan, and the PY 2022 Annual Action Plan.
Proposed amendments to the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and PY 2019 Annual Action Plan were spurred by a reallocation of $77,209 in CDBG funds to the City. These federal dollars were made available through the 2020 CARES Act, an economic relief program set up in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but were unclaimed by other communities.
The PY 2022 Annual Action Plan outlines the programs and activities the City will undertake in the coming year to implement the strategies of the Consolidated Plan. The funding level approved for the City’s CDBG program is $252,172, slightly less than last year’s amount.
The proposed CDBG amendments and PY 2022 Annual Action Plan are open for public comments until July 8, 2022.
City Council also approved a pre-annexation agreement for a property in Fry Townsite, which is zoned for multifamily residential use, and approved the City’s FY23 annual budget. Both items passed with unanimous votes.
More information from the Thursday’s City Council meeting is available in the supporting documents for the Thursday, June 23, City Council meeting. They can be accessed in the “City Council” folder on the City’s document server at docserve.sierravistaaz.gov.
City Council meetings are streamed live and past meetings can be viewed on YouTube. The meetings are also aired on Cox Channel 12. Learn more at http://www.sierravistaaz.gov/your-government/mayor-council/council-meetings/ or in the “Council HQ” page at engage.sierravistaaz.gov.