RV Park Overlay District

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Consultation has concluded

A proposed RV Park Overlay District moved forward for 30-day public comment on May 13. The proposal was developed to help facilitate the redevelopment and revitalization of manufactured home parks in the West End. Review the proposal and offer comments using the form below.

A proposed RV Park Overlay District moved forward for 30-day public comment on May 13. The proposal was developed to help facilitate the redevelopment and revitalization of manufactured home parks in the West End. Review the proposal and offer comments using the form below.

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Consultation has concluded
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This is an excellent proposal. They're just a few things left out of this plan that in the excitement of the proposal may be overlooked. #1 A time limit on the stay of these RVs. The Arizona housing dept, The Hud organization, and the entire RV industry say that living in an RV is not safe. The Arizona dept of housing does offer a guide to convert this RV to a safe and suitable living condition. I think that these parks should have a code of a limited time stay or see that these RVs are converted to a safe living condition according to the Arizona housing dept. I'm so tired of reading how an elderly couple and their dogs almost made it out of the fire in their RV!!!

Loritton E Myers (Mike) almost 4 years ago

As to the RV Park overlay ok. ??? as to Garden Canyon will they be installing a new water system to include FIRE Hydrants. Having lived adjacent to it for 20 years, watching the various fires and storm damage, 24/7 365, not just a 3 minute ride by. Also there is a water valve in the north driveway at the Sterling Point Apts. which for the last several years floods, and the next thing you know Garden Canyon is over digging up ground on the NW corner, or along the wall that divides the 2 properties. What gives????

simmons almost 4 years ago

I think this is a positive step. I am all for the proposal.

friogirl78_7896 almost 4 years ago