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Welcome to the best place to keep up to date with the Sierra Vista City Council. Whether it's a summary of the most recent meeting, full meeting videos, or links to upcoming agendas, we've got you covered!

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Welcome to the best place to keep up to date with the Sierra Vista City Council. Whether it's a summary of the most recent meeting, full meeting videos, or links to upcoming agendas, we've got you covered!

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  • Council votes to renew law enforcement training academy IGA

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council voted to renew an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) for a continuing partnership between the City of Sierra Vista, the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office, and the Cochise County Community College District to operate the Southeastern Arizona Law Enforcement Training Academy (SEALETA).

    The purpose of the agreement has been to enhance law enforcement services by offering a local, cost effective, law enforcement training academy. So far, the agreement has proven to be successful.

    “This particular academy is producing the highest caliber recruits we’ve seen,” Sierra Vista Police Chief Chris Hiser says.

    Within the IGA, the Sierra Vista Police Department agrees to provide a recruit training officer at the academy and to allow SEALETA to utilize the SVPD defensive tactics room for training when needed. In return, Cochise College agrees to reimburse the City up to $11,800 for overtime pay for the officer assigned to the academy.

    In other business:

    • Mayor McCaa honored the winners of the Council Chamber photography contest. The winning photographers have their work featured in a display that was part of an update to the City Council Chambers. The winners received a certificate of appreciation and honorarium for their work.
    • Mayor McCaa and Chief Hiser honored the Sierra Vista Police Department Annual Awards winners.
    • Council voted to adopt the Surface Water Master Plan (SWMP) and associated code amendments. The SWMP guides the planning, construction, location, and function of surface water conveyance systems and erosion control measures within the City.
    • Council authorized submission of the City’s Five-Year Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding, and the 2024 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for review and approval.
    • Council approved an addendum to the City Attorney’s contract to allow the annual base salary to correlate with salary increases received by other City employees on an annual basis.
    • Council adopted updates to the City’s policies and procedures for naming and renaming public facilities and areas. These changes reflect updated commission and departmental names, remove redundancies, and ensure that the policy is clear and easy to understand.
    • Council approved a loaned employee agreement between Cochise County and Southeastern Arizona Communications (SEACOM) to retain the services of SEACOM Executive Director Tammy-Jo Wilkins.
  • Council votes to terminate development agreements

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council voted to terminate development agreements between the City and Lawley Holdings, LLC, and Sanctuary Revocable Living Trust.

    Prior to last night’s Council meeting, Sean Lawley requested that the City terminate four separate development agreements pertaining to seven different tax parcels–owned by Lawley Holdings and Sanctuary Revocable Living Trust–on the grounds that they were placing an unnecessary encumbrance on the potential sale of those properties. The City’s Community Development Department reviewed the development agreements and determined that the conditions had been met or were no longer applicable to future development.

    The City terminated a similar agreement for the Mall at Sierra Vista in 2020 and has now instituted sunset provisions on new development agreements that include benchmarks for termination of the agreements. This will eliminate the need to bring these agreements back before Council.

    The Council’s decision will remove unnecessary obstacles for Lawley Holdings and Sanctuary Revocable Living Trust as they move forward on the sale of the properties and transference of their titles.

    In other business:

    • Council approved the abandonment of a portion of Charleston Road right of way and reserved a sewer easement on the property. The property, located along the south side of Charleston Road between the roadway and the Cochise Crossroads shopping center, exceeds the 100-foot-wide right-of-way width requirements and serves no public benefit. The abandonment will transfer ownership of the property to Cochise Crossroads, where it can be used for future development.
    • Council approved a Conditional Use Permit to authorize New Hope Fellowship Church to construct a 1,200 square-foot expansion to the auditorium on their property. The church falls within a Single-Family Residence-36 zone, which classifies places of worship as a conditional use that requires City Council approval.
  • Council accepts funding for MLK pavement replacement project

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council approved an agreement to accept Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) exchange funding for a pavement replacement project on Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway.

    In the approved resolution, Council authorized an intergovernmental agreement with the Arizona Department of Transportation to accept $405,000 in HURF exchange funds for pavement replacement on Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway between the bypass and Avenida Escuela. The pavement in this area is at the end of its lifecycle and needs reconstruction due to the high volume of heavy truck traffic that services retail development there.

    The HURF exchange funding stems from federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) funds that are appropriated to state highway funds. The state can then allocate the funds to areas having a population of 200,000 or less.

    No matching funds from the City are required.

    In other business:

    • The City Council approved the donation of two surplus vehicles–a 2000 Chevy Silverado truck and 2005 Ford F250 truck–to Sierra Vista’s sister city Cananea, Sonora, Mexico.
    • The City Council approved an Intergovernmental Support Agreement with Fort Huachuca for the City to perform needed repairs and maintenance to washing machines and dryers on Fort Huachuca. In return, Fort Huachuca has agreed to a cost that covers hiring two additional Public Works Facilities Tech I employees and one additional work truck, with a second work truck purchased in the sixth year. Fort Huachuca will also reimburse the City for the costs of parts purchased to maintain the machines. The agreement is for one year, but is renewable annually for the next 10 years.
    • The City Council approved the renewal of Turf Paradise’s Off-Track Wagering Permit at PC’s Lounge.

    More information from Thursday’s City Council meeting is available in the supporting documents for the Thursday, May 9, City Council meeting. They can be accessed via the City’s website at

    City Council meetings can be streamed live and past meetings can be viewed on YouTube. The meetings are also aired on Cox Channel 12. Learn more at or in the “Council HQ” page at

  • Council advances Surface Water Master Plan for public comment

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council moved forward the updated Surface Water Master Plan (SWMP) draft and associated code amendments, opening them for public comment.

    Updates to the plan are based on data from a study conducted by CMG Drainage Engineering in cooperation with the City of Sierra Vista Public Works Department. The last SWMP was updated in 2006, and both man-made and natural changes to some of the stormwater runoff watercourses make updates necessary.

    The SWMP guides the planning, construction, location, and function of surface water conveyance systems and erosion control measures within the City. These measures help to manage surface water runoff as a valuable resource and to protect infrastructure.

    The updated SWMP requires the Development Code to be amended to ensure consistency. Therefore, both the updated SWMP and Development Code amendments are considered together with this action.

    Both the SWMP and associated code amendments are available for public review and comment until Tuesday, May 28. To read the documents and offer input, visit

    In other business:

    • Mayor Clea McCaa proclaimed April 29 through May 3, 2024, as National Small Business Week in and for the City of Sierra Vista.
    • The Economic Development Commission awarded a City Business Recognition Award to Vista Pros Heating & Cooling in conjunction with National Small Business Week. To learn more about Vista Pros and this award, see the story published in the City’s email newsletter, on the City’s website, and on the “City of Sierra Vista” Facebook page today.
    • Mayor Clea McCaa proclaimed May 11, 2024, as Letter Carriers Food Drive Day.
    • The City Council voted to accept an Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) grant in the amount of $111,763 from the Arizona Department of Homeland Security. OPSG supports enhanced cooperation and coordination among Customs and Border Protection, United States Border Patrol, and federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies. The funds go towards OPSG deployments, which enhance SVPD’s proactive enforcement of state drug trafficking and traffic statutes in Sierra Vista and the immediate surrounding areas. The funding is also used for participation in Operation Safe Streets details with surrounding agencies to enhance coordinated efforts to safely apprehend fleeing vehicles involved in human smuggling.
    • The City Council approved an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Cochise County for election supplies and services, including election equipment, administrative services, consulting services, and election board workers. The IGA is an example of a successful partnership that ultimately saves the City the significant expense of staging its own election.
    • The City Council voted to grant the Church of God a sewer easement to connect with the City’s line that crosses a portion of Soldiers Creek Park.
    • The City Council approved the resignation of Rachel Gray and appointment of Paul Cimino to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

    More information from Thursday’s City Council meeting is available in the supporting documents for the Thursday, April 25, City Council meeting. They can be accessed via the City’s website at

    City Council meetings can be streamed live and past meetings can be viewed on YouTube. The meetings are also aired on Cox Channel 12. Learn more at or in the “Council HQ” page at

  • Council considers CDBG program plan

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council considered the City’s annual action plan for its allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, which is currently open to public comment.

    At its meeting on March 15, Council heard requests for CDBG funds from Good Neighbor Alliance, Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista, United Way of Sierra Vista and Cochise County, and City of Sierra Vista projects, including Montebello neighborhood fire safety improvements and general program administration. Those requests have been recommended for inclusion in the City’s annual allocation of CDBG funds and the CDBG Five-Year Consolidated Plan.

    The City receives an annual allocation of approximately $250,000 in CDBG funds, and the plan identifies goals, objectives, and strategies for addressing housing and community development needs with that funding. The City has also completed an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, which represents Sierra Vista’s efforts in making an objective assessment of the nature and extend of fair housing concerns in the City and the potential impediments to making fair housing choice available to its residents.

    Both the CDBG Five Year Consolidated Plan and the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice 2024 Update are available for public review and comment until Wednesday, May 8. To read the documents and offer input, visit

    In other business:

    • Mayor Clea McCaa proclaimed April as Water Awareness Month, Fair Housing Month, and Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and the week of April 8 through 12 as Young Child Week, in and for the City of Sierra Vista.
    • The City Council passed a resolution restating the City’s Commitment to Fair Housing in Sierra Vista.
    • The City Council approved a new Series 10 Limited Liability-type Liquor License for Francisco Javier Romero on behalf of the Dollar General Store located at 5240 E. Highway 90.
    • The City Council authorized the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) to issue, offer, sell, and deliver one or more of its Education Facility Revenue and Refunding Bonds for Desert Heights Charter School Project. This does not result in a financial commitment or liability for the City.
    • The City Council authorized the IDA to issue, sell, and deliver one or more of its Education Facility Revenue for Edkey Charter Schools Project. This also does not result in a financial commitment or liability for the City.
  • Council approves right-of-way amendment

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council approved an amendment to the Development Code allowing eligible property owners to claim credit for portions of adjusted right-of-way property.

    In February, City Council approved and adopted the Sierra Vista Roadway Design Manual and associated code amendments that, among other things, revised road classifications for some City streets and adjusted minimum required right-of-way widths.

    The newly incorporated amendment concerning right of ways now allows property owners to claim credit for portions of the adjusted right-of-way property to construct porches or room additions. The new amendment applies only to residentially zoned properties and does not grant a reduction of right of way for portions of a front building façade containing an enclosed garage or carport so that adequate parking may be preserved.

    In other business:

    • Mayor Clea McCaa proclaimed the week of March 10 through 16 of 2024 Girl Scout week for the City of Sierra Vista.
    • The City Council approved the transfer of a Series 12 Liquor License for Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of RMH Franchise Corporation dba Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar. The transfer is in reference to an acquisition of control on a corporate level, which allows for the transfer of the license.
    • The City Council authorized the City attorney to pursue legal action against Edwin Groover to set aside liens Mr. Groover filed against the City of Sierra Vista. The City attorney determined that the liens have no basis in fact or law and noted that this action is the only to way set them aside.
    • The City Council authorized changes in the Industrial Development Authority’s issuance of its Education Facility Revenue Bonds. This amending resolution simply updated the firm the IDA is working with and the date to reflect accuracy.
    • The City Council appointed Richard Rhodes to the Sierra Vista Transportation Commission.
  • Council approves distribution of positive fund balance

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council voted to distribute the City’s positive fund balance from Fiscal Year 2022/2023 to streets improvements, capital projects, and the retirement fund for public safety personnel.

    When closing out the books for the 2022/2023 fiscal year, the City of Sierra Vista’s fiscally conservative approach to budgeting led to having $5.6 million in revenue left after all expenditures cleared for the last fiscal year, ending on June 30, 2023. On Thursday, City Council voted to approve staff recommendations to transfer $2 million to the Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF), $1 million to the Capital Improvements Fund (CIF), and to make an additional payment of $2 million to the Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS).

    The HURF and CIF transfers will help fund potential FY 2024/25 projects, including the North Garden Avenue streetscape project in the event the City cannot secure grant funding. The PSPRS payment will be split with $1,250,000 towards the police department unfunded liability and $750,000 to the firefighters’. The additional $600,000 will help grow the unrestricted General Fund Reserves by about 8%, bringing that balance to a projected total of $7.77 million.

    “By being conservative in projecting revenues for the budget, we ensure that we can take care of our staff, maintain service levels, and move key projects forward even if we receive less funding than anticipated,” City Manager Chuck Potucek says. “It’s much better to be in this position where we can use a positive fund balance to make strategic investments in projects and improve our budget outlook in the future.”

    In other business:

    • Mayor Pro Tem Carolyn Umphrey presented the City’s Chief Financial Officer David Felix with an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for excellence in financial reporting.
    • City Council heard funding requests for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Funding is being considered for Good Neighbor Alliance, Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista, United Way of Sierra Vista and Cochise County, and City of Sierra Vista projects, including Montebello neighborhood fire safety improvements and general program administration.
    • City Council voted to abandon a portion of right-of-way along Charleston Road that exceeds the 100-foot-wide width. Ownership of the property will transfer to Cochise Crossroads, where it can be used for future development.
    • City Council approved acceptance of sewer easements along Northeast Highway 90-92 to allow the construction of a public sewer line to bypass a failing sewer line and better serve the area.
    • City Council accepted the resignation of Shelly Short from the Environmental Stewardship Commission.
  • Council approves code amendments on warehousing space

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, Feb. 8, the Sierra Vista City Council approved code amendments concerning warehouses, storage, and distribution.

    With increased interest in warehousing space in the community, which is in short supply, Council approved amendments to the City’s Development Code. The changes include allowing warehouse, storage, and distribution as a principal use in General Commercial zones under certain provisions.

    “The main motivation is to increase reuse potential of larger, empty buildings on the West End,” Community Development Director Matt McLachlan says.

    The amendments and accompanying provisions are anticipated to meet business demand and encourage development while maintaining City standards. They were moved forward for a 30-day public comment period on Dec. 14 and the City received no public comments. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the amendments after holding a public hearing on Nov. 15.

    In other business:

    • Mayor Clea McCaa proclaimed the month of February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month in and for the City of Sierra Vista.
    • The City Council approved and adopted the Sierra Vista Roadway Design Manual and associated code amendments. The Roadway Design Manual includes construction standards for roads, sidewalks, curb and gutter, access management, revised road classifications, revised street profiles, sight distance requirements, and landscaping and irrigation standards in the right-of-way. Also included are minimum standards for drive-thru vehicle storage.
    • The City Council authorized an amendment to the Traffic Circulation Plan of Vistas 2030 that reclassifies Foothills Drive, El Camino Real, Golf Links Road between 7th Street and Coronado Drive, and Wilcox Drive east of the Cochise College downtown campus as Minor Collectors.
    • The City Council moved forward amendments to the Sierra Vista Development Code concerning right of ways. These modifications allow eligible property owners to claim credit for portions of adjusted right-of-way property to construct porches or room additions. The public can view the amendments and submit comments through March 11, 2024, by visiting
    • The City Council authorized the transfer of a series 7 liquor license application from Delect Foods of Arizona to Pizza Hut. The license is for a beer and wine bar at 3680 E. Fry Boulevard.
    • The City Council accepted the resignation of Karly Scarbrough from, and appointed Allyne McFalls to, the Arts, Humanities, & Cultural Diversity Commission.
    • The City Council accepted the resignations of Rosemary Mackey, Pam Anderson, and Tait Wilcox from, and appointed Wendee Grinde and Alvira “Vera” Gates-Williams to, the Neighborhood Commission.
    • The City Council voted to appoint Mayor Clea McCaa, Mayor Pro Tem Carolyn Umphrey, and Council Member Marta Messmer as primary members; to appoint Council Members Angelica Landry and Mark Rodriguez as alternate members; and to reaffirm City Manager Chuck Potucek as an alternate member of the Upper San Pedro Partnership Advisory Commission.
  • Council okays grant application for archery range

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council authorized the Parks, Recreation, and Library Department to submit a grant application in the amount of $35,000 to the Arizona Game and Fish Department to develop an archery shooting range.

    During the council meeting, Parks, Recreation, and Library Department Director Laura Wilson cited over 20 years of success in the City’s archery program, while noting its location on Brown Field as a limitation for its growth. She also noted the potential for increased sports tourism as a factor in pursuing the grant. Currently, there is no designated location for on-going archery training, additional classes, or to host local or regional tournaments.

    Staff has identified the City-owned, undeveloped land north of the Domingo Paiz parking lot and east of the bike track as the future location of the range and have already met with a representative from the Arizona Game and Fish Department who visited the site.

    To satisfy the grant’s 50% match requirement, staff will request $17,500 for the project during the FY25 budget process.

    In other business, the City Council approved an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) to collect the Transaction Privilege Taxes the City levies and remit them to the City. The City first entered into an agreement with ADOR in 1974. The IGA also includes other benefits and revenue-related support for the City.

  • Council accepts Tohono O'odham grant for museum renovation

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    At its regular meeting on Thursday, the Sierra Vista City Council voted to accept a $65,000 grant award from the Tohono O’odham Nation to assist with renovations already underway at the Henry F. Hauser Museum.

    The funds are conveyed as part of the Nation’s 12% local revenue-sharing contribution and the grant requires no match. It will be used in addition to the generous donation received last year from the Sierra Vista Historical Society (SVHS) to improve infrastructure and capacity by updating lighting, replacing flooring, purchasing new display cabinets, painting, incorporating new technology, and demolishing walls to expand exhibition space. Also included in the Tohono O’odham grant is $25,000 earmarked for creating a children’s discovery room.

    The Henry F. Hauser Museum is already in the beginning stages of renovations using funds from the $100,000 SVHS donation received in December of 2022. So far, three walls have been removed, expanding museum exhibition space by over 50%.

    In other business:

    • The City Council authorized changes to the Southeastern Arizona Law Enforcement Training Academy (SEALETA) Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Sierra Vista, the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office, and the Cochise County Community College District to reflect minor revisions required by Cochise College due to a change in campus location, housing, and training site locations.
    • The City Council moved forward code amendments to the Sierra Vista Development Code that primarily concern warehouses and distribution centers. Interest has increased in warehousing space in the community, which is in short supply. The changes include allowing warehouse, storage, and distribution in General Commercial zones under certain provisions. The amendments are now open for public comment before they return to the City Council for final consideration. The public can view the amendments and submit comments through Jan. 18, 2024, by visiting
    • The City Council moved forward adoption of the Sierra Vista Roadway Design Manual and associated development code amendments. This proposal is now open for public comment before returning to the City Council for final consideration. The public can view the amendments and submit comments through Jan. 18, 2024, by visiting
    • The City Council voted to reappoint Barbara Fleming to the full-time employee vacancy and Neil Gago and Ronald York to the resident vacancies on the Employee Benefit Trust when their current terms expire on Dec. 31, 2023.
    • The City Council accepted Barbara Fleming’s resignation from the Police and Fire Pension Board and appointed Assistant City Manager Victoria Yarbrough to serve out Fleming’s remaining term, which is set to expire Aug. 1, 2024.
    • The City Council voted to reappoint Wesley Hewitt, Berlynda Schaaf, and John Moreno to the Parks and Recreation Commission when their current terms expire on Dec. 31, 2023.
    • The City Council voted to appoint Bruno Talerico to the Environmental Stewardship Commission.
    • The City Council voted to appoint Lexi Prickett to the Youth Commission.
    • The City Council voted to reappoint Bradly Snyder when his term expires on Dec. 31, 2023, and to appoint Rachel Gray and Tait Wilcox to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
    • The City Council accepted the resignation of Stephen Peterson from, and appointed Kierra Wright to, the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Sierra Vista.
    • The City Council voted to appoint Keith Landry to the Transportation Commission.
Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024, 02:28 PM