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West End Business Survey

To help make the West End the best it can be, we want your feedback!

We appreciate your time and value your comments and opinions. All respondents will remain anonymous. If unsure on any question, please use your best guess. The results of this survey will be made available to the West End Commission and City Departments to better understand and address the needs of the business community. Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey. 

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Which of the following best describes your primary business type?

* required

How many full-time employees do you have?

* required

How many years have you been doing business on the West End?

* required

How many part-time employees do you have?

* required

Do you consider your business to be any of the following (check all that apply)

* required

Do you own the building where you operate your business or lease the space? 

* required

Which of the following social media networks or other online applications does your business use?  (Select all that apply)

* required

How would you describe the overall business environment of the West End in the past years?

* required

Do you transact sales on your website or through another website (i.e. eBay, Etsy, etc.)? 

* required

Are you expecting or actively planning changes to your business in the next 2-3 years?

* required

Do you plan to make any of the following investments or improvements in the next 2 years? 

* required

What are some of the biggest challenges facing your business operation on the West End? (Check all that apply.)

* required

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the West End as a place for business?

* required
Events & Entertainment
Green spaces (parks, plazas, gardens, landscaping)
Public art displays
Infrastructure (streets, sidewalks, etc.)
Fiberoptic (internet availability)
New development
Public safety
Public transportation

How have the streetscape renovations to West Fry Boulevard impacted your business following completion?

* required

Are you aware of the City's West Sierra Vista Partnership Grant Program that can assist with building and site improvements in the City's redevelopment area?

* required

Are you aware of the City's Infill Incentive District that can provide expedited permitting, fee waivers, or relief from development code standards that can assist projects on the West End?

* required

Did your business revenue increase or decrease during the most recent calendar year when compared year over year?

* required