Fry & Fab Redevelopment Concepts

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Sierra Vista acquired the 1.26-acre property on the southeast corner of Fry Boulevard and Fab Avenue in October, 2020. The City used an EPA Brownfield Grant administered by Cochise County to fund conceptual designs for its future redevelopment. The concepts (Concept A1 and Concept A2) provide options for private or public development of the southern-most section in the third phase of the project.

This project will address longstanding drainage issues south of that intersection, add more public parking needed for a more pedestrian-focused district, and develop a public gathering space to serve as a venue for events and help draw people to enjoy the area. Both concepts address these priorities and complement the City's other efforts to revitalize the West End.

The public is invited to provide comments regarding the concepts for redevelopment of this property by close of business on March 9. You can also choose which concept you prefer!

The City of Sierra Vista acquired the 1.26-acre property on the southeast corner of Fry Boulevard and Fab Avenue in October, 2020. The City used an EPA Brownfield Grant administered by Cochise County to fund conceptual designs for its future redevelopment. The concepts (Concept A1 and Concept A2) provide options for private or public development of the southern-most section in the third phase of the project.

This project will address longstanding drainage issues south of that intersection, add more public parking needed for a more pedestrian-focused district, and develop a public gathering space to serve as a venue for events and help draw people to enjoy the area. Both concepts address these priorities and complement the City's other efforts to revitalize the West End.

The public is invited to provide comments regarding the concepts for redevelopment of this property by close of business on March 9. You can also choose which concept you prefer!

Submit Comments

These concepts illustrate how the southernmost section of the property could either be used for private redevelopment or public redevelopment. Using the text box below, please submit comments regarding plans to redevelop this property by close of business on March 9. The City Council will discuss plans for this property and additional amendments to the West Sierra Vista Redevelopment Area Plan at its March 10 meeting at 5 p.m.


Consultation has concluded
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I prefer #2. That being said, when visiting outdoor events in Arizona I really appreciate close parking, shade and a place to sit. If you are not too far along in the conceptual stage, you might consider a large canopy covering most of an area having brick or paver surfacing. Such an area might serve as a venue for everything from farmers' markets to art shows to weddings.

jfscott about 3 years ago

I vote A2, I think Sierra Vista needs more spaces that celebrate one of the main benefits of living in and visiting Arizona; amazing weather. That being said, I agree with other commenters that artificial turf is a good decision for the lawn, easier to maintain and less water, etc. I also think the movie screen should be added to the A2 design, what a great feature! Sierra Vista could benefit from the additional space for events and for local food vendors and markets, and street parking is a great addition. I wonder if maybe a bit more parking in the design is possible?

On the note of continuing development of this kind, is the area of Fry and Lenzner considered West End? Many of the businesses in the area between there and Fry and Fab are existing shops and restaurants that could benefit from walking/biking/public transit traffic. I honestly believe most of Fry would be a great pedestrian district, and I believe much of the existing area wouldn't need extensive updating to add similar improvements. There is a lot near Fry and Lenzner that could easily handle a bus stop and a good sized public parking lot, and many venues in the surrounding area would be perfectly rentable spaces with some updates and care. Sierra Vista is projected to double its population in the next decade, I think it would be beneficial to improve the existing empty spaces for new small and local businesses to rent and flesh out the vision of a town center, and to develop other areas of Sierra Vista to support future growth.

AClapper about 3 years ago

• The work/live concept is a non-starter [Concept A.1]. It brings to mind a shanty town. A small open air market, like in New Orleans, might be cool. • Eliminate the parking from the concept. There's TONS of parking in the nearby area and while it's technically not public parking, if those businesses seek to benefit from the public use of the space sharing seems appropriate. Pull-ups and hook-ups for food trucks would be cool and a good way to generate revenue (permit use). Concept A.2. is, at the moment more appealing. Open space, grass (or astroturf) with a small stage or gazebo (with electric outlets) for small/ medium community entertainment or civic events would be nice.

KC about 3 years ago

Please cover some of the benches with shade. Temps and sun is so hard on children and elderly. Otherwise I don't see the benches used or practical at all. Also color friendly portapotties in walking distance for all ages.

Yeswecan about 3 years ago

I agree with Randy. Remember the straight street that is now Culver's parking lot? Yeah.

stdnt.jake about 3 years ago

The City should stay out of property development, they currently own an old tennis court facility and old lumber yard that sit empty and run down and we don't need more tax burden for the citizens, there is going to be a fight between the environmental and water crisis activists no matter what, the west end will never be historic area that draws large crowds, our population won't support it, the existing buildings lost most of their charm during remodels and Fry Blvd. widening.
If the city is trying to build a new historic district for the future, option one is good but if they want people to come and enjoy the area option 2 is best.

Randy about 3 years ago

I really like the unique elements of A1 - My concern is that if we create more commercial development other buildings in the area that need to be fixed up will remain empty? So that’s why I chose A2 instead. I like the idea of less buildings and turning it into a community meeting room/classroom situation. And then maybe where the other extra buildings were there could be an outside eating area with parking places designed for food trucks to rent out.

AlyissaDB about 3 years ago

A2 is beautiful. Add the movie wall from A1. Add restrooms and some benches. Take out the trees from the parking spaces and just have more spaces. Take out the middle and either make it all grass or a small playground or just a covered area for some shade. If your feeling really fancy throw in some type of water feature like a fountain or water wall or even a small splash pad. So excited to see what you do.

Lunaluv803 about 3 years ago

Why are some of the trees already dying in A2? Someone get that artist/planner some water. Go with A-2, as many people have live / work areas due to COVID. Put in a bathroom or two and a couple designated trash receptacles, otherwise people will just contaminate the area with refuse. Also add a couple hydration stations. Why do we need arbors and so many trees considering the city can't even meet its obligations to reduce water consumption per year? Reduce the size of sidewalks on S Fab to 6 ft so full size trucks have less of a chance for their hitches to hang out in the road when using that parking area. Most of the handicapped parking is on the far side of the plans, good job making them walk so far to view phase 1 and 2, once phase 3 has completed. Open up the large unused space in phase 3 in the SW corner, as that would probably turn into a small homeless camp. The hotel across the street might not survive with that type of competition around.

Javalinasinatrenchcoat about 3 years ago

I would prefer A.2, but agree to make it a continuous lawn without the break. We have enough buildings in that area.

Atrob516 about 3 years ago

I would like to see A-1 but 1/2 the buildings and with those buildings being places for the community. Places like small library from main library, small police office, small community classes/ job board/ fixed mailbox, plenty of solar lights and signs posted with hours.

ggg85635 about 3 years ago

I prefer to keep our public spaces public. I think if we hand over that land to a private developer, we'll end up with First West trying to charge Phoenix prices for commercial rent. That's how we have so many open business locations now while small business owners are working from their homes.

JacquelineMoran about 3 years ago

I'm choosing A2, mostly because I'm tired of seeing empty buildings in the area. I had a visitor from out of town and they jokingly said the city looks like it was mostly built by 1 architect who made prisons for a living.

Improvements I would suggest to A2 is lose the arbor and concrete in the middle: it would be unusable space. Make it all continous lawn between the two plazas, and if you want a break in the middle, add a playground for the families with young kids. Also agree with another commenter: Too many planters. A2 would also allow us room to improve and make changes as additional comments come in.

Concept A1 is a bad idea. While the idea of indoor activities during hot summers might sound nice, the cost and rent of these places will likely be outstanding, thereby keeping people away. I don't see the buildings getting much use. It's just going to be wasted space.

stdnt.jake about 3 years ago

A-2 makes more sense to help accommodate for the future of events and block parties.
My husband and I walked around west end with our toddler last weekend and were hoping for a place where we could rest and let our toddler run around.
I wonder if in either A1 or A2, there could be some sort of play equipment or maybe interactive art that can be climbed on. Not necessarily a whole gym system, but at least something to help encourage child movement.

Svres2000 about 3 years ago

I think the park concepts have validity, but saving water (via AstroTurf) is not the only ecological concern... what about global warming? Trees, plants, and grass consume CO2 (greenhouse gas). So which is the bigger concern? Water, or our atmosphere? 😀

Luposian about 3 years ago

have local artist schools submit artwork to put on that whole wall we need some color all there is a lot of cement and very dull flower pots come on people

Anita BostonNo about 3 years ago

I don't understand why you put so much cement has no color
Get with local artist schools Boys & Girls Clubs have them submit artwork and cover that one whole wall that's going to be facing towards the park we need some color the flower planters are a dull color come on people

Anita BostonNo about 3 years ago

We have a lot of parks and one undergoing renovations at Soldier Creek not too far away. We need the additional parking and the housing, so option one seems the best to us.

CamFam about 3 years ago

Regarding parking, public parking, I suggest that at a minimum three public parking spaces be dedicated with EV charging stations. As the automotive industry aims tp 50% EV productions by 2035, Sierra Vista needs to be on the fronts lines, making available EV charging stations for those that visit from another city/town. This gives the traveling public a level of comfort knowing that public charging stations will be available to them. I would suggest two universal and one Tesla charging station for the public parking area around the Fab Avenue parcel. Let's get out in front of the EV public charging stations and this parcel is an excellent staring place.

JoeK about 3 years ago

I live on the west end and I have a 20 month old. When I look outside around outlr house it is nothing but buildings. Having a beautiful park within roughly 300 yards away will give us a place to go with ALL of his energy. Concept 2 is a beautiful concept to add to the existing work being completed!

Samgreen10788 about 3 years ago